”Triple quartet project.”

Together with Ensemble ParkourRank Ensemble and composer Lene Grenager.

This concept is about three ensembles with very specific but different settings, using our differences as opportunities to let new ideas come to life and to focus on the hidden qualities that will surface when material written with specific timbres in mind takes shape through new voices. In all communication, occasionally there are misunderstandings.

Our history is full of examples where these kinds of glitches between words, ideas,  conceptions of stereotypes etc. has led to both terrible consequences and to new discoveries that changes the lives of all mankind to the better.

This logic is obvious in the course of translation. And in transcribing our pieces of music, much like in language where the exact meaning of a specific sentence is transformed when it is spoken in another language than the original one, we let the audience experience something unique in the cracks of our musical and cultural languages.

New artistic meaning will occur when we give full freedom to the power of connotations, prejudice and creative misunderstandings. New depths in the interpretation of our repertoire, that perhaps never were intended, but lies within the possibilities of its wider use.

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